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Awareness Technology, Inc.
Exhibited at Analytica 2024
Munich, Germany
April 9 - 12 2024
Booth 508B Hall 1

The Interwinery Analysis Group (IWAG) includes over 200 members from all winemaking regions in Australia, as well as several international members. The 2021 IWAG seminar was held in Adelaide, Australia on the 18th June. The full day seminar included a number of guest speakers giving presentations on a wide variety of oenological topics. The trade show associated with the seminar is a chance for suppliers to showcase their products and services for both existing and potential new customers. Vintessential was a participant in this trade show and the display of the WineryPro was a major focus.
The seminar was well attended, however due to Covid-19 travel restrictions the participants were mainly from South Australia. There were approximately 80 -100 participants in total and the Vintessential display was very well received. A number of different automated analyser instruments were on display from different suppliers and these were of key interest to participants. The majority of interactions were with laboratory staff members who were specifically looking for labour saving innovations in terms of enzymatic testing in the wine laboratory. Whilst easily sold on the automated technology of the WineryPro, the information found to be most important was the cost benefit analysis of the discrete analyser test kits associated with the WineryPro, as compared to the more expensive benchtop enzymatic test kits. In almost all cases it was this information which was then to be presented to winery management. It may be useful for future trade shows to have a breakdown of this cost/benefit analysis to hand out to potential customers.
In addition to the trade show, a presentation was also given by Vintessential to outline the data that we have generated in relation to our Total Sulfur Dioxide Test Kits. This included the data that has been generated for the WineryPro instrument and this was particularly well received. A number of participants approached Vintessential after the presentation to request additional information. The ability to use the WineryPro to perform Sulfur Dioxide analysis is considered to be a major selling point for this instrument.
The IWAG seminar and trade show is a technically focused event and is attended by a scientifically minded cohort. For this reason, it is the perfect platform for Vintessential to display and discuss new innovations in the wine industry.